scrambled eggs

THE SETUP: My mom bought a fancy spinning spice rack with 20 different spices. Every day I make scrambled eggs and toast. So, naturally, I am going to try the scrambled eggs with every single spice on the rack, randomly selecting a new spice each day. Life is one great science project. Experiment at every chance you get! Here I will keep a running journal of my experiences. It will be gritty, personal, emotional, and above all else, brave. Read on if you can. DAY 1: FENNEL SEEDS I regret this already. DAY 2: SAGE This was much better than fennel seeds, but I also think cyanide might have been better than fennel seeds because at least that would have killed me. The sage mixed with eggy flavor wasn't terrible, they just didn't really work together. It's like that one neighbor you don't really have a problem with but you just never really talk to because he smells a lot different than you. I've also decided to attach photos of each day. I didn't...